After you read this do you still think that Red China allows open Christianity?

Here is an article about some people who are Christian and tried to share their faith. What is your opinion?


I must say that I'm amazed at the hostility toward these people, and Christians in general, that I'm seeing here. In a land that purports to hold tolerance and diversity in such high esteem, that apparently only extends to those that of an approved group. Otherwise, it's anything goes.


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let us say China is more open than it once was as an athiestic communist country,
yet it does have it's persecution too.

it is bad and sad but in my homeland israel you go to prison for 5 years for openly shaing the gospel.

China is open in places and closed in others and the underground and open church has multimillion members

we have a choice to be bitter and angry too and join them in being in sin. or to forgive Job 42:2 and live getting and learning to do better for yourself and them and to be a better person, or to live in bitterness and stress which will only add to panic attacks.

some help from above and thank God your parents are not Muslims, they can be far worse than that.

since Jesus had to die for our sins to offer for us to be born again and have the power not to sin, the world would surly we should live in victory in him and peace and joy even in the midst of difficuties.
The messiah had to come before the destrucion of the temple to fulfill prophecy that one would come to die as the lamb of God to take away sins. Leviticus 17:11 says “There is no atonement with out a blood sacrifice.” Isaiah 53 gives its fulfilment in the messiah as promised to die innocent as a lamb for our sins.

on the other hand we have The Quran/Koran, a book added against the command of Messiah Jesus to not add to the Word of God. In it the Shia are able to find jusification to kill the people of the book along with Sunni Muslims which they have done back and forth the the tune of millions of deaths the high point being the bombing of the golden mosque in January 2006 and since blowing up and killing each others peoples back and forth..
from my past answer to a questioner trying to say that Islam is the way to go; I quote “I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes unto heaven but by me.” Messiah Jesus found in John 14:6

listen to the Messiah Jesus, he is the one returning to the earth bodily and he offers his friendship and salvation from sin. He said “My word will never pass away” and “Do not add to my words or you will recieve plagues” Revelation last chapter when he closed the word of God.

Jesus says to love your enemies and do good unto them and give them the gospell.

So we have a choice, I chose to believe the Messiah Jesus and ask him as he asks us to do in Revelation 1:1 & 3:19&20 speaking from heaven to repent of our sins and ask him into our heart to be our friend, amen.

the choice is yours,

now Jesus the messiah is my best friend and savior, praying for you too.

as the bible says about the Messiah to come to die for our sins, “He will be despised and rejected of man, and lay down his life as a lamb to forgive our sins. Isaiah chapter 53 and the end of chapter 52 too.

God is pleased only by faith.

I have the freedom under Christ to eat any food, travel into any nation, and to discuss the gospel with any person. I can walk into any stronghold of evil unshaken, undisturbed, and spiritually unharmed knowing I am a light to the world. I have a multitude of spiritual gifts granted by the Holy Spirit - including peace of mind, joy, a love for ALL mankind including my enemies, and no condemnation for any sin of which I repent and ask for forgiveness.

I have God himself working in my life and can pray at any time, in any place without shame. i am free to worship him in all ways, at any time and in any place. When I pray, I can pour out my heart to God and never have to worry about memorizing verses, scriptures, prayers, and so forth - although I am free to do so as an expression of honor. I have eternal security knowing God is with me and I have a place in the kingdom of heaven.

I have laid hands on people and seen them healed of illness and disease, I have cast out demons in Jesus’ name, and I have recieved the holy Spirit and baptized others in the Spirit as well. I have done and continue to do God’s work with teh gifts, talents, freedoms, and abilities He has given me.

though as promised to those that believe, he would be persecuted for believing the Messiah Jesus,
David in His amazing grace as promised to come to earth as mighty God the prince of peace Isaiah 9:6 predicted 700 bc/e

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First, I have to say God bless them for not giving up and holding true to their faith! God bless them!
Second I have to admit that I didn't read the whole thing. I couldn't finish reading it because a flood of emotions always hit me like a ton of bricks. Anger is the first, I don't know why. I know it's wrong but it is the first emotion I feel, seeing or hearing about this kind of stuff, it still angers me when other cry about Christians "trying to force feed religion down our throats" by the words of God and then I read stuff like this. I have to thank God that doesn't last long and I start to feel like who I am, a son of God! I'm working on this issue!
My heart goes out to them in their suffering and struggle for their faith. It takes allot to stand there and take the abuse!

P.S. If we're not careful we could (and more than likely will) have our own Domestic Defense Protection Squads! I pray that I'm as strong as they are! God bless!

Nina, BaC2009-01-07T19:23:06Z

No, they do not allow open Christianity. Christians are seriously persecuted in China and they have to meet in secret under ground locations

I know personally a person who moved to Chrina to follow his calling, He got beaten up badly by the police for sharing his faith. Luckily God healed his injuries that were supposed to be permanent and he is back at the Jesus business in China

Thank you for sharing.


I was never under the impression that the Chinese people have many freedoms or rights. they don't really have freedom of speech or press, so why would they have freedom of religion?

Makes me glad to live in a country where we do have those rights.


Kissthepilot - I agree with you completely and I'm also surprised at those who think suppressing religion is a good idea. Or gloating that "they are getting what they deserve."

While there are lots of groups I wish would keep their yaps shut, and I don't just mean believers, I very much value my freedom of speech and expression.

I can't imagine having to hide my faith, or lack there of, opinions, or criticisms of the government, for fear of arrest or worse!


I thought everyone knew this. Of course they don't want christianity there, as it competes with the state for people's allegiance. I'm pretty surprised that some of the other answers say they wish it was like that here. And the atheists say we aren't letting them have religious freedom! They only worry about the establishment clause, never the free exercise clause, unless it's their message being criticized.

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