BART transit "killing"?

I am wondering after watching the video of the incident of the young man being shot at the Oakland transit center. It looks to me like the police officer pulled out his gun, to settle the guy down and he looks completely stunned when it goes off and actually it looks like he tried to help the man after he shot him. So do you think it was an accident and people are assuming the worst about this police officer??


The man on the ground was struggling hence while he actually pulled a weapon.

Bridget M2009-01-08T18:14:31Z

Favorite Answer

the safety is required to be on on the gun if he didnt have the safety on and that is how he shot the guy it is still his fault for not following regulation which means officer is guilty of gross negligence resulting in injury and death ' i dont know if the guy died this is just a full scenario' also i might add the police or military personal or security are required to help you after shooting you in order to keep you from bleeding out they are required to provide you qualified medical attention as soon as possible which means they would be calling for an ambulance, accident or not this should not have happened

Wounded Duck2009-01-09T01:58:03Z

There really isn't enough evidence in the video to make an informed decision. I can state there would be no reason to pull his weapon, or even a Taser at that point. The "Suspect" was on the ground and there were plenty of officers there. I have no opinion, but those who are rioting have no right to.


I think any police officer that would pull his weapon just to "settle a guy down" especially when the guy is already flat on the ground is an idiot and deserves whatever he gets.


Probably meant to get the tazer, but due to muscle memory he went for the pistol instead
he should be held accountable and the sentencing should be based on the evidence showing what his true intentions were


its called oakland.
they wil do anything for attention it was in fruitvale / and yeah they willl do anything to get a cop a bad rep.