Where are Your Favorite Jizou Located?

It's an odd question, I know, but I thought I'd ask. For those who need refreshing, the jizo statues often have red bibs. You can refresh your memory (or learn about them) here:

But for those who know them, where have you seen the most impressive ones (or just Jizo that you liked)?

Martina N2009-01-09T04:39:30Z

Favorite Answer

In Nikko, there's a row of several dozen of them, maybe hundreds, along a path through the woods. Each one is supposed to be for a child that died. It's cool with them all stretched out in a row. They're called 並び地蔵 Narabi-jizo, which means lined-up jizo.

Here's a picture of one:

And here's a row of them:


All Jizo are my favorite. Here are some pics: http://traveljapanblog.com/wordpress/tag/jizo/