Hello All, I asked this earlier, but I accidently left out some information that is important to an acurate answer :(. So I have decided to ask again this time supplying all the important information LOL.
I have been divorced for about 11 years now, and have not changed my name back to my maiden name yet. I have recently decided to change my name back to my maiden name. When I was divorced I did not contest the divorce, so because I lived in CA at the time I did not get to sign any papers. So I wasn't given the option at the time to take back my maiden name. In order to change to my maiden name now do I need to go to the court system? Or can I just go to the Social Security office with my divorce papers and change back. Another part of the question is which do I change first: my drivers license or SS Card, or both on the same day?
Thank you so much for your help.
Favorite Answer
I am not sure what California's law is. But it is probably similar in most states. First off, get a registered copy (validated by the circuit clerk) of your divorce papers. Then contact the courthouse in the state which you now reside. Find out from the circuit clerk what their policies for name changes are. They will guide you in the right direction for your state. I know in Illinois, you have to pay around $250.00 to change your name if you don't do it when you get divorced. Either you or your attorney (if you hire one) needs to appear before the judge to get him to sign the release to change your name. The release needs to document why you wish to change your name. In your case it may say something like...I chose to keep my married name until my children had finished highschool, Since I am no longer married and my children are grown, I wish to change my name back to my maiden name. After that document that the judge signs has been notorized and dated, then you can take that to the social security office to change your name on your card. Good luck.
Visit your local SS offfice and take your divorce papers, DL, and your old SS card. I think it is great that you are getting your identity back, moving on and starting a new life. If the SS office allows you to change your name, then take all that information to the DMV.
simply googling your question would give you all the answers that you need to know in order to change your name. You have to apply for the change of name and once this is legal you then take the document showing your name change to the DMV and SS office and get those changed.