What to pack for a 2 week horseback vacation in Costa Rica.?

Does anyone have a list or a successful way of doing this without over packing?


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Unless you plan to bring your own saddle you should be able to get by with 3-4 days worth of shirts and undies, a pair or two of pants and a rain slicker that covers to your knees. Bring stuff you can hand wash and that will dry out quickly. Long sleeves in linen and cotton are best as they are breathable. Shoes you can walk in and absorbent socks. Go for comfort (not to tight, watch those seams!) not fashion. And a good fitting brimmed hat . The rule for a long horseback journey is NEVER try anything new. Use something you know is comfy so you don't spend 4 hrs chafing and swearing at those new socks that keep rolling around your ankles or the designer jeans riding up your butt.And carry a patch of moleskin ,a square of real wool sheepskin ,a small tube of vaseline and that Monkey Butt or Gold Bond powder for when the going gets rough


If you're not bringing your own horse, you'll only need riding equipment and such. I go on riding vacations in Ireland every year and here's what I would recommend:
Half Chaps
Lightweight, breathable breeches
A second pair of breeches
Riding gloves
A lightweight rain jacket that you can wear while riding (you can also get a poncho-like thing for your legs. I know it rains in Costa Rica- might be a good idea)
Health Insurance

That's all I would bring for the horse part of the vacation. For the rest of the stuff, it's up to you. Also, I like boots and half chaps better than tall boots because they're more versatile, especially for vacation riding when you might want to change quickly or go do something else for a while.


Question sounds very familiar. But anyway,... Clothes : Light, tropical stuff including maybe one light rain jacket, that's it ! Two bathing suits of course ! Money : Costa Rica is not cheap anymore. Figure $400 + for the airfare plus fees, then a min of $180/day since you are renting a car ( a small 4 x 4 SUV I hope ), for approx $ 2,100 total. Better to have a bit more than a bit less ! lol


i'm not sure if this is over-packing, but heres the stuff i am bringing in my 'moving trip.' you probably want to bring this PLUS food, hay, grain, water purifiers (?). have fun! :)

• Horse
• Helmet
• Boots
• Breeches
• Blanket
• Basket of boots
• Tail bag
• Saddle
• Bridle
• Halter
• Lead Rope
• Saddle pad
• Girth
• Hoof stuff
• Duct tape (there has never been a trip when I haven't wished I had this)
• Brushes
o Stiff brush
o Scraper thing
o Curry comb
o Hoof pick
o Clean cloth
o Hair brush
o Thrush stuff

Calamity Jane2009-01-13T21:36:55Z

I would suggest your own drinking water. You've heard of the Curse Of Montezuma haven't you?
If you have your own saddle and it is possible to take it, I would. You don't know what they'll stick you with to ride in. It could make a nice time into a nightmare.

Ha ha ha, Monkey Butt. Good thinking.

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