Is it ok to keep me Cichlid in my tank?

i have an angel fish, a rainbow shark, a clawed frog, 2 kissing gouramis, a tire-track eel, a loach, 2 mollies, and a guppy. will it get along with all of them (they are all relativly the same size)


i have a 55 gallon tank


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You have to have in mind that Angel Fish and Clawed Frogs can grow up big! an Angel fish can be as big as 12'' and clawed frogs as the size of a fist, so, probably in time you will need to separate them. Besides they can become aggressive.
Also as the frogs grow they could start to eat your other fish like your guppy...
You can see a compatibility chart in at "fish" and then "Live fish & rocks"

(by the way, are you sure that you have Clawed Frogs? they can be confused with Dwarf Frogs, the look very similar, you have to check their front "hands" Clawed frogs has 3 fingers with claws at the tip, and Dwarf frogs has 4 fingers with a webbing in between)

Good luck


What size tank and what kinda Cichlid are you going to get ??????

These both need to be answered before I can answer.

Angel Fish ARE South American Cichlids and share a very similar personality. Although not as mean spirited. They are also a schooling fish and need groups to do their best.

The rainbow shark is gonna grow big and get aggressive.

The gouramis may be aggressive towards each other.

Tire Tack eel will outgrow your tank.

The loach depending on what kind may out grow (if its a clown) or be just fine.

I would not add any More Cichlids to this tank unless you have at least a 55 Gallon.

If I was going this tank here's what I would do. (assuming of course this is a 55 gallon)

Get rid of the Rainbow shark,Gouramis,mollies, guppy's and tire track eel ( your tire track gets to over 3 feet and needs a 150 gallon tank btw)

Then get yourself about 4 more angelfish, 2 Albino Bristol Nose Plecos, 3 German Blue Rams 1 male 2 females. (There's your Cichlid's) and maybe 5 Giant Danios. Its all up to you but this tank is headed for bad times

Good Luck - Mickey


You do know that your tank is extremely overstocked right? The angelfish and the rainbow shark will get 6 inches long and the kissing gourami can get up to a foot long. Eels get big and the loach might as well depending on what kind of loach he is. If you want to still keep all of those fish together I would suggest at least a 75 gallon tank.


Depends on the species. Keep in mind that angelfish are cichlids, but most cichlids can't be kept with your fish. African cichlids, no way, unless it's a kribensis or something similar. There are a few that would be okay.
Kissing gouramis get pretty big and may be a threat to the angel and similar fish. The eel can also get large. Always consider the adult size of a fish when buying it, not the current size.


There are over 2000 species of cichlids. The smallest doesn't get over 25 millimeters long, while the biggest gets 3 feet long. Asking if you can get a cichlid is not saying anything.

Close, doctor. South American Cichlids (including angels) need soft, acidic water. Most African Cichlids (especially from lake tanganyika) need hard, alkaline water.

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