Is flag defacing unpatriotic or freedom of speech?

Do you believe Americans can be patriotic and still do this to our American flag?

The official Flag of the Obama States of America:


Ima Nidiot 2....If anyone is paranoid it is you. I asked a simple question, wanting a straightforward answer. Some of your comment made sense until you started bashing others and stating I'm paranoid. You reps and dems need to get over your "paranoia", not all of us are bashing any political party. After reading what many of you answer on the YA forum, there's no way I would want to have the ludricous title of either political party. Many of you cut off your nose to spite your face. The more you rant and rave, the more immature and mentally inapt you become. I won't even consider your answer, due to your incapacity to see things from a logical standpoint.


Favorite Answer

first off, the use of the flag as back drop in political banners and such goes back to the founding of the country.

I have an uncle who own a US Grant for president poster that looks almost identical in design to the one your picture. So I would say that no this is not defacing the flag.

Secondly altering or destroying the flag is in fact protected speech.

I would be hard pressed to call that act as patriotic.

Dept. of Redundancy Department2009-01-18T09:25:57Z

First off, that is NOT "The Official Flag of the Obama States of America." Those are cheap souvenirs, probably made in China and not authorized, legitimized or approved by Obama... rather, it's your much-vaunted "free enterprise, free-market capitalism" at work: it's the look and the sound of people making money and spending money (just like Bush said last year: "Spend our way out of debt"...remember?)

Second, the Obama campaign souvenirs that I have seen, purchased from the Obama website during the campaign, were MADE IN THE U.S.A. and were also Union-Made whenever possible.

Third, Michelle Malkin never saw a non-neocon or non-fascist that she ever liked, she's in the same Devil's League as (M)Ann Coulter.

What's the big deal: there is American flag underwear, bikinis, shirts, vests, baseball caps, neckties, banana-hammocks etc etc etc. Be glad that the scaredy-cat wetpanties conspiracists' nightmare didn't come true (not that it ever would have): those aren't PLO or Hamas flags with his name and face all over them. Get over it: they're political souvenirs.

Time to get off the paranoia juggernaut.


Freedom of speech.
There is no law against using the flag for logos, emblems etc. Unless you want to haul people off to jail for having a US flag patch on a jacket (which can be very patriotic if you ask me!) don't worry about it.
These posters which were made for Obama hurt no one, and I can't believe conservatives are trying to turn them into some sort of sinister plot - these people really need to get lives and stop listening to AM radio - a mind is a terrible thing to waste.