amount of time between hair dyes?

What is a safe amount of time I can go before dyeing my hair again. I have been told by stylists that it should be every 2-3 months to be on the safe side from damage. But my hair takes on this orange color after the dye wears off (w/ in like 2 weeks) so would it be a bad idea to dye it again? -- last dye was just before New Years.


Favorite Answer

Color oops is perfect and no waiting or drama effects than redye it.

I have tried more than 200 colors so I know about damage.

Lisa W2009-01-18T17:08:44Z

Yes.Get a shampoo from a salon that has color pigment in it to match your color.Use this in between color.Its safe to color your hair every 4 weeks.Do your roots first for about 20 mins then on the rest for 5 mins.This will help to have min damage.

chemical cutecore2009-01-18T17:07:04Z

you can dye your hair as often as you want to, but it will damage your hair. i would suggest waiting 4-6 weeks. anything less, and all will go down hill. if it washes out so fast, try switching hair dyes. it should last at least a month.


if u dye your hair now, you should be fine. but i would go by what your hair stylist said. and i would talk too her about how ur take takes too an orange color.