how much dye will color oops take out?

if you've been dyeing your hair for the past 2 or 3 years and decide to do the Color Oops thing, will it take out all that dye that's been put in your hair?? Or just the last few ones you did???
By the way, my real, natural color is somewhere in the light brown/ dark blonde area
the way my hair looks now is sort of a medium brownish, redish/orange...very ugly! (b/c of the dye)
any help??!?!?


Favorite Answer

Don't use color opps. I tried it and it was awful! It made my hair dry and ugly. It made my hair look oranger than it was and it didn't do much of anything except make my hair dry and ugly. I had to use all of the products to get my hair back to normal.
Go to a salon, they have a better hair dye that will get the colors out. Trust me, it is so much better.

Hope I helped :D


YOu don't really understand hair colouring, do you?

It matters not a whit how many times or how long you have been colouring your hair. Every tint you use has bleach in it, and it removes most of the last colour, and deposits a new batch. You are only doing the roots anyway!!

I have no idea what Oops will do, but if you are using a proper colour remover, it will remove all the artificial colour you have. It does not touch natural colour.

You will go back to the yellow hair. You have NO natural colour in your hair, since it's been bleached out by the past tint or two. When a permanent colour is used, it is permanent!!

When you know what you are doing, then you can have a better understanding of what else you can do, and what results you get. And it is best that you not do it for yourself.
