What is your opinion of repealing the Constitution's term limits?

The U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary is considering a bill that would repeal the Constitution's 22nd Amendment prohibiting a president from being elected to more than two terms in office.


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We need more term limits, not less.

the Ol' Foolosifer2009-01-20T19:01:57Z

I think all elected positions should have the same term limits. No one may serve over two terms in that or any other office, except from Congress to the presidency and then only one term as president or vice president. Hired and appointed employees, in the higher positions, should have periodic merit tests and be certified to hold the position for more that 8 years. Supreme Court justices should be appointed just before the president appointing leaves office and only hold their position until the president coming in appoints his choices.


I think that is not good...they were put in place for reasons that hold true to this day. We need to keep fresh faces and ideas coming in and out. If we get rid of them, we will end up with a person in power for decades sooner or later. NO...NO NO.


That would be horrible - if anything they need to add term limits for House and Senate members.


This is exactly the kind of thing our first revolution was fought over! We need to watch these fools Real Close!

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