Pokemon Diamond and Pearl FUN SURVEY 2?

For all of those bored people out there...

Fill out the survey below for fun and the answers that I best agree with will be chosen as best answer!
*Note: Copy and Paste all of the questions and answer below each question.

1) Which Pokemon would you want as a pet?

2) What is your least favorite legendary Pokemon?

3) Which Pokemon move do you think looks the coolest?

4) Besides "Splash", which Pokemon move is the worst?

5) Which Pokemon-type is your least favorite?

6) How many Pokemon games do you own?

7) Besides "Wonder Guard", what is your favorite ability?

8) Look at your last Pokemon in your party and list their moves.

9) What is your favorite Pokemon move with 10 PP?

10) In a scale of 1 to 10, how excited are you about Platinum?

11) Which move is better, "Destiny Bond" or "Perish Song"?

12) What was the first item you bought at the PokeMart?

13) Which TM is better, "Thunder" or "Solarbeam"?

14) Which Poketch Application do you use most often?

15) Did you fill out the first "Pokemon D/P FUN SURVEY"?

If not, then you should.

J-Z Hipster2009-01-20T19:52:58Z

Favorite Answer

1) Which Pokemon would you want as a pet?

2) What is your least favorite legendary Pokemon?

3) Which Pokemon move do you think looks the coolest?
Shiny Charizard

4) Besides "Splash", which Pokemon move is the worst?
Hyper Beam :P

5) Which Pokemon-type is your least favorite?

6) How many Pokemon games do you own?
3, (FireRed, Emerald and Diamond)

7) Besides "Wonder Guard", what is your favorite ability?

8) Look at your last Pokemon in your party and list their moves.
Softboiled, Thunderwave, Seismic Toss and Aromatherapy

9) What is your favorite Pokemon move with 10 PP?

10) In a scale of 1 to 10, how excited are you about Platinum?

11) Which move is better, "Destiny Bond" or "Perish Song"?
Destiny Bond

12) What was the first item you bought at the PokeMart?

13) Which TM is better, "Thunder" or "Solarbeam"?

14) Which Poketch Application do you use most often?
Day Care egg checker

15) Did you fill out the first "Pokemon D/P FUN SURVEY"?
I sadly missed it :(

Thanks for this fun survey!


1) Which Pokemon would you want as a pet?
2) What is your least favorite legendary Pokemon?
3) Which Pokemon move do you think looks the coolest?
4) Besides "Splash", which Pokemon move is the worst?
5) Which Pokemon-type is your least favorite?
6) How many Pokemon games do you own?
7) Besides "Wonder Guard", what is your favorite ability?
not sure
8) Look at your last Pokemon in your party and list their moves.
mew -thunderbolt flamethrower ice beam earthquake
9) What is your favorite Pokemon move with 10 PP?
10) In a scale of 1 to 10, how excited are you about Platinum?
11) Which move is better, "Destiny Bond" or "Perish Song"?
destiny bond
12) What was the first item you bought at the PokeMart?
13) Which TM is better, "Thunder" or "Solarbeam"?
depends if sunny day is in affect but thunder under normal conditions
14) Which Poketch Application do you use most often?
15) Did you fill out the first "Pokemon D/P FUN SURVEY"?


1) Which Pokemon would you want as a pet?
Growlithe- It's a dog and it can breathe fire

2) What is your least favorite legendary Pokemon?

3) Which Pokemon move do you think looks the coolest?

4) Besides "Splash", which Pokemon move is the worst?
Tail Whip, Growl - they really don't do anything

5) Which Pokemon-type is your least favorite?

6) How many Pokemon games do you own?

7) Besides "Wonder Guard", what is your favorite ability?
Posion Point

8) Look at your last Pokemon in your party and list their moves.
Bastiodon- Flash Cannon, Rock Smash, Iron Head, Earthquake

9) What is your favorite Pokemon move with 10 PP?

10) In a scale of 1 to 10, how excited are you about Platinum?
10- you should see the torn world

11) Which move is better, "Destiny Bond" or "Perish Song"?
Destiny Bond- you can take the opponent with you.

12) What was the first item you bought at the PokeMart?
Poke Balls

13) Which TM is better, "Thunder" or "Solarbeam"?

14) Which Poketch Application do you use most often?
Friendship Checker

15) Did you fill out the first "Pokemon D/P FUN SURVEY"?
No, I didn't see it


1) Which Pokemon would you want as a pet?
2) What is your least favorite legendary Pokemon?
3) Which Pokemon move do you think looks the coolest?
Hyper Beam
4) Besides "Splash", which Pokemon move is the worst?
5) Which Pokemon-type is your least favorite?
6) How many Pokemon games do you own?
8 but soon 9 because of Platinum.
7) Besides "Wonder Guard", what is your favorite ability?
I can't remember what it's called but Groudon has it. it's like Sunny Day so Solarbeam doesn't take 2 turns.
8) Look at your last Pokemon in your party and list their moves.
At the moment? Charizard lvl 70
Dragon Claw
Blast Burn
9) What is your favorite Pokemon move with 10 PP?
10) In a scale of 1 to 10, how excited are you about Platinum?
11) Which move is better, "Destiny Bond" or "Perish Song"?
Destiny Bond
12) What was the first item you bought at the PokeMart?
Probably a Potion or Status Heals.
13) Which TM is better, "Thunder" or "Solarbeam"?
Solarbeam 'cause Thunder always misses.
14) Which Poketch Application do you use most often?
The Digital clock or the one where you see how good each type is good against the other.
15) Did you fill out the first "Pokemon D/P FUN SURVEY"?
No but I wish I did


1) Which Pokemon would you want as a pet?

2) What is your least favorite legendary Pokemon?

3) Which Pokemon move do you think looks the coolest?

4) Besides "Splash", which Pokemon move is the worst?

5) Which Pokemon-type is your least favorite?

6) How many Pokemon games do you own?
17 (But a lot of those are the old school ones for the N64 and Gameboy Colour)

7) Besides "Wonder Guard", what is your favorite ability?
Perish Song

8) Look at your last Pokemon in your party and list their moves.
Wing Attack
Fire Blast

9) What is your favorite Pokemon move with 10 PP?

10) In a scale of 1 to 10, how excited are you about Platinum?

11) Which move is better, "Destiny Bond" or "Perish Song"?
Destiny Bond

12) What was the first item you bought at the PokeMart?

13) Which TM is better, "Thunder" or "Solarbeam"?

14) Which Poketch Application do you use most often?
Coin Toss

15) Did you fill out the first "Pokemon D/P FUN SURVEY"?

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