Inauguration Picture - What would a better caption be for this picture?

White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel:;_ylt=Ak9pSgau8R_S.gi5RFNTSd0DW7oF


Somehow I pictured him calling "front seat" before Sasha and Malia when I saw this picture.


Favorite Answer

"Rahm Emanuel responds to the Illinois state legislature's subpoena to testify."

Miss Honesty2009-01-21T12:35:44Z

thats not very classy now is it. hmm. well whatever they were having fun. i would say

White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel has a little fun to calm his nerves prior to the inauguration ceremony of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States, in Washington, January 20, 2009

Kilroy Roboto2009-01-21T13:04:28Z

I'll go with an actual quote of his:

"I wake up some mornings hating me too."

On his reputation as Democratic attack dog, Chicago Tribune November 2002.

LOL....I think we will be hearing a lot from him and about him in the coming years.


He signaling to Nancy Repulise about his flute needing tuning

Chris S2009-01-21T12:35:29Z

Just another intelligent politician reporting for duty.

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