Adult tooth came in behind baby tooth for an adult how to fix?

When I was about 17 I started getting an adult tooth grow behind a baby tooth, at the time I didnt know my baby tooth never came in and I didnt have insurance so never took care of it. Now I am 28 and went to the Dentist to get this taken care of and I do have dental insurance and the baby tooth is 2 from the front so I just cant have it pulled out I would have a gap and it would show :( so the dentist told me I have to get the baby tooth pulled and get braces on top and bottom to have the adult tooth push and turn to the front. Now this seems like too much to go through ..I mean Im too old for braces and they cost almost 5000.00 out of pocket. Is there another way around this? like cant I get my adult tooth & baby tooth pulled them get a replacement tooth glued in like a crown or denture ...not sure what its called???


Favorite Answer

28 is NOT too old for this procedure.....and it would be your tooth....always better


It was the right thing to pull those baby teeth. Just because they aren't showing on x-ray doesn't mean that they aren't there. IT is very rare for them to not have some adult K9's coming in later. he will be fine and I assure you that he should get those teeth. Those baby teeth would have either came out anyway, or they would have caused him a lot of trouble with ear infections, mouth infections, etc. He will be fine.


Do what the dentist recommends. Get a second opinion if you feel it's necessary, but you'll never regret having a beautiful smile and healthy teeth.


get it pulled

the calm before the storm2009-01-22T13:14:17Z

yeah get some plyers and do it yourself!