PSP 5.02 OFW to PSP 5.03 CFW?!?
I have had psp for a while now and i just cant seem to crack it so i can enjoy donloaded full games... What happend was that when i bought my PSP it came with a 64MB stick, wich meant that i couldnt do anything with it except put some songs in and update it, so i update it until version 5.02 thinking that when i got a better stick i could crack it... except what i found out when i bought the new stick is that you can only crack it with a higher update in wich it did not exist... I even tryed to create a pandora battery so i could downgrade it, because i simply dont have enough money for a new one, unfortunatly it is alsow impossible to create one with the current battery i have...
So a few days ago i found out that a new OFW update of PSP has come out but i cant seem to find the CFW or a m33 version of it...
Please Help with any Information u have... I am realy tired of playing demos...