PSP 5.02 OFW to PSP 5.03 CFW?!?

I have had psp for a while now and i just cant seem to crack it so i can enjoy donloaded full games... What happend was that when i bought my PSP it came with a 64MB stick, wich meant that i couldnt do anything with it except put some songs in and update it, so i update it until version 5.02 thinking that when i got a better stick i could crack it... except what i found out when i bought the new stick is that you can only crack it with a higher update in wich it did not exist... I even tryed to create a pandora battery so i could downgrade it, because i simply dont have enough money for a new one, unfortunatly it is alsow impossible to create one with the current battery i have...

So a few days ago i found out that a new OFW update of PSP has come out but i cant seem to find the CFW or a m33 version of it...

Please Help with any Information u have... I am realy tired of playing demos...

Brandon T2009-01-22T19:26:41Z

Favorite Answer

what i know is the a psp 3000 cant be hacked at the moment no one knows how to but a psp 2000 and 1000 can be hacked with a Pandora's battery and a magic memory stick. Just Google it and find the things to save on your memory stick but only for the 2000 and 1000 series psp.


Unfortunately, the only way to get cfw on a psp with ofw is to use the pandora's battery. But if you turn your battery into a pandora's battery you can still use it as a regular battery. To find out how, just search it on youtube.


You have to have a magic memory stick and a pandora battery, best place to get them is at Get the type of memory stick that has 5.03 CFW, and you need a memory card from 550mb to 2 gb


im having the same problem but i dont think u will be able to change to CFW for a while because the latest custom firmware is 5.00 m33-6 so just wait a while


Psp 5.03 Cfw

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