What's wrong with Dr. Stevens on Grey's Anatomy?

What did she figure out on tonight's show? I don't quite understand what happened with her dead boyfriend.


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she figured out denny is there 4 her. like she is going 2 die soon. to read more go 2:

Fallon H2009-01-22T19:30:46Z

she found out she is going to die soon and now she is going to try to stop that from happening, this sounds wrong but i want her to die, so she can be with denny 4EVER,
izzi and denny are my absolute favorite couple from grey's anatomy EVER


He kept saying he was here for her because she needs someone to be there because she is sick. I think she has a brain tumor that is making her hallucinate. She figured out that she is sick somehow but we don't know exactly what yet.


no i dont want her to die. shes fun. grey's anatomy wouldn't be the same without her. i love izzie