can i wear leggings instead of jeans?

so yeah, im thinking of just wearing leggings to school instead of jeans, is that appropriate?
would it be weird?
& im planning to wear legwarmers with my babyphat boots + the leggings.
& i meant normal leggings.. not like tna/lulumeon pants :S
answer please !


Favorite Answer

A lot of Long Island girls do it. But its gross.


I'm pretty sure that the only time a guy would wear leggings would be if he was in ballet. And I think guys would rather wear skinny jeans then leggings because they don't want to be called "gay" and the fact that they don't make leggings for men. And guys wearing skinny jeans is becoming the latest trend.

Doctor Who2009-01-25T18:01:38Z

Normal. But where something over the leggings, like a jean skirt.


Ok for one it would be weird unless you do it right

wrong way: just wearing leggings

Right way: ok so wear like a long shirt at least passed your butt then wear boots then maybe a belt over the long shirt. but make sure the shirt isn't loose it should be tight
Hope i helped bye


a lot of girls @ my school wear leggings instead of jeans, but It gives off a different vibe, like most of the girls who wear them are kinda self-centered and care WAY to much about what they look like, u know what i mean?. But im sure you arent like that (because your asking people if its appropirate, and only nice people would check to make sure its ok before doing it), and if people know you arent, then definatly you can! but only wear black ones, white or any other color look kinda wired.

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