Would you buy a worse product just because it's local?

A local company is threatening to sue or go to the local news media to make us look bad because we're buying a better product out-of-state.
Do you think we should buy the inferior local product? Or, buy a better non-local product and let the seller whine to the local news?


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Nearly everything you buy is made in China. Why, exactly, would you be held to a different standard than every other company on earth?

I live in the far north, and I see this constantly. Companies aren't willing to work for our business because they feel they've got some 'right' to our money. They charge more money than anyone else, their selection is poor, their quality is shoddy (the local supermarket sold me a frozen fish meal that was rotten -- and never bothered taking the rest of the rotten food off the shelves after I complained). There's no redeeming feature about these businesses except they're local.

Well, they're not willing to work hard enough to get my business, why should I give them my money? I'll pay too much, I won't get what I want, and if I do get it, there's a chance it'll be in terrible shape.

The press will ask if it's an issue. Tell them the truth, don't sugar coat it, and watch the business lose their support very quickly.

p h2009-01-26T05:23:41Z

Let them whine, money is too tight to spend it on an inferior product. Once the media learns of this, they will back off. Use words like value and superior without actually saying anything negative about the locally produced item.

Beverly S2009-01-26T09:06:07Z

The local company can't sue you for not buying their product! Sorry- I buy the best product that I can afford. I would love to buy local but I won't do it JUST for the sake of doing it. If he goes to the media he will look like a whiner.


How can anyone sue you for not buying their product?

I always buy local if they have a comparable product at a comparable price. If I can buy better out of state, over-seas, whatever, I buy it.

However, if you have reason to believe that the media and community might take their side for some reason, maybe you should offer the locals a chance to meet your demands.



How much is local good will worth to your business?

Can you go to the local media and say "We won'tcompromise and rip you off just to use an inferior product made locally? Make a better product for us to offer our consumer, and we;ll gladly use you!?

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