Survey: Do you offend people?

how so? ( I need some pointers on how to offend )


Taco - You are my new hero... bend over


Favorite Answer

You should ask questions pertaining to the passionate love between you and a family member.


Hummm - offending people.... tell people things they don't want to hear - quote bible phrases to them for instance - and then look terribly hurt when they don't respond. That's pretty offensive.

Eat loudly - that's always good for a proper offend.

Never bathe is always good advice.

Read through Dostoevsky's 'Notes from the Underground" in order to learn offense only a Russian author can teach you!


Hi Princess,
No i don't think so.. I try to make Friends not try to have them stay away from Me and think i'm a Butt-Hole..
If you want to offend people go up and slap someone in their face or say something bad about their Mother..Those 2 will always get someones attention..
Your Friend,

Clo !2009-01-27T12:56:57Z

Yes, and usually it's not nice. I don't really need to cuss to say extremely hurtful things. I just need a reason and a "spur of the moment". I won't give you "pointers" though, it's not nice to be me sometimes nevertheless, who is in front of me.


It would take a lot more than that to offend me.... And remind me never to get stuck in a confined space with you Steve!

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