Is it still politically incorrect to be white?


Finding a best answer to my question is going to be tough. all your answers so far are so very interesting.


Wishy-washy responses are due to lack of commitment to an answer.


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My friend and I think that being aware of the shades of grey is more important than being black or white.

♥♫ Mysti ♫♥2009-01-27T20:06:30Z

Was it ever politically incorrect to be white? Wow..that's news to me! It's not ever politically incorrect to be who you are. Be yourself and be the best you can be. Don't read too much into anything you see or hear and you'll be fine. :-)


I think political incorrectness is politically incorrect.


Yes and I prefer Europen American


Did you just refer to someone being white? I am offended! That's a no no in today's society!

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