Dissent is Patriotic?

Can somebody clue me in? Why was it alright for the democrats to be 'Patriotic' when Bush was in office by talking down anything he did, but now that Obama is in office, the republicans are being 'bipartisan' when they go against what Obama wants?


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Dissent is not necessarily patriotic or not patriotic.


First of all, I think you mean "partisan." Second, the Republicans can do or say what they want. But I have yet to see a Democrat tell a disagreeing conservative that they are a traitor and use the phrase "America, love it or leave it." These were quite common comments from neo-cons during the Bush years.

The Republicans are digging a deeper hole for themselves come the next election. The majority of American voters kicked out the Repulican party because of the direction they chose. It seems to me that if Republicans continue to promote their way as the right way, they will continue to lose votes in the future.

Hmmm...maybe that is why Obama is trying to include the Republicans...so they can dig a little deeper.


"Bipartisan" is the two parties working together, the opposite of what I think you're trying to say. Patriotism and dissent and partisanship comes from both sides, although I do not recall either side applying the term patriotism to voting for or against economic bills, rather as I recall it was mostly in reference to foreign policy and Iraq especially. Call it what you want, but I doubt voting for or against a the stimulus bill has anything to do with patriotism.


Dissent is not patriotic, but speaking your mind is. Democrats had a laundry list of mistakes to criticize Bush for. Obama has hardly done anything yet.

By the way, Republicans would be "bipartisan" if they go with what Obama wants. "Bipartisan" means both sides working together. Taking sides is just "partisan".


Where did you get your news from? Democrats didnt talk Bush down until he screwed evrything up, and left folks hanging. Democrats still respected Bush as President by, joined and fighting in the military. Some ddemocratse in office even voted with Bush on some issues? What are u talking about sir?

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