Has anyone read the Stimulus Bill?


I'm not all the way through it yet.


Ur Welcome Gabriel O


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Keep in mind that the version that was approved was the House of Representatives version,

The Senate (the second half of Congress) takes it up next and will make changes (possibly major changes) to it before it is signed into law by the President.


I skimmed it and obviously didn't cross check all the references but from what I saw I actually think it's mostly positive. There are a few innovations I liked and honestly never dared to hope for. It will disperse wealth by doing a great deal to improve our infrastructure and public services. Of course the problem has always been that we don't actually have this money were spending. It is yet another huge debt we will be paying off when my grand kids kids are complaining about what louses we were. I can't blame Obama for that since he is inheriting this loan and just trying to figure out what to do with it. To be honest, while it sounds like a huge amount and most certainly is one, its not the biggest debt we have made lately just the most publicized.

Also thank you for posting the link. I will read it in detail now and if I see some glaring atrocity I will post a add on here later on but I am no expert so don't wait up :)



Hey Bailout City....it's pontificate. Pontify hasn't been used since the late 19th century. Well, it probably has, but that's when it was last common. It's usage is rare now (and you now that it's rare when the OED gets around to saying so). So if you're going to try and be disparaging, do it right. Most people don't know from pontificate to begin with so when you use pontify....they and I would bet the farm (who hasn't foreclosed their farm now anyway) that you aren't using a rare form of a word--you just can't speak and are trying to.



Don't have to sign it, so it's not on my list of priorities.

I actually read every line of anything I have to sign.

I've read bits and pieces. I'll finish the whole thing, but not now, I'm have actual work to do. There's this whole concept called electing people, and paying taxes, so technically, I've hired a lot of people to read it for me and make a good decision, but if you want something done right, you've got to do it yourself.

Eh, I'm not freaking. It seems very cleverly structured, but as to whether or nor it will work depends on a lot. But it seems well thought out.


rofl look at this


None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available in this Act may be used for any casino or other gambling establishment, aquarium, zoo, golf course, or swimming pool.


I learned years ago, first hand, that few of these proud senators ever read these things. they delegate and just stand in the auditorium and pontify.

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