How to not be rude about being Vegetarian?

Most of the people around me know that I am health conscious, and love to eat well, but not many of them know that I am vegetarian (with a few vegan tendencies). I'm not that annoying vegetarian who shoves it down other people's throats. If somebody asks, I tell, if they don't want to hear it, I don't tell them. However, holiday times are hard because most people buy me nice foods and candy. Some of which I can't eat!
no food should ever go to waste, so I give away what I can't eat. When it comes to closer family members is when the situation gets weird. For instance my boyfriend's mother just sent me a valentines day candy box, most of which contains gelatin (which i have chosen not to eat). If I don't say anything then she will continue to buy gelatin containing goods for me and the problem continues. But on the other hand, it's not her responsibility to keep track of what I eat, and what I don't. Thankfully she is a really understanding woman with her own weird semi vegetarian diet.
How do I kindly tell my relatives thanks, but no thanks. Is there a way I can not come off wrong? suggestions please!!!

The Unknown Chef2009-01-31T18:41:21Z

Favorite Answer

After 20 + years as a former professional chef and having worked all over the world due to my health and physical conditions was instructed by a Homoeopathic doctor to cut out certain foods, so I became a lacto-ovo vegetarian, I only eat egg whites and yougart is my only dairy product, one thing I have learned with being a vegetarian or vegan it is like either your religious beliefs or political views, it is your business and opinions are fine but draw the line, as the first person said be polite and just say "No Thank you, I am not able to eat that", no sense being rude or getting on a soapbox to echo the virtues of vegetarianism, just be as tactful as possible, people will be more responsive and not be as abrasive.


Don't tell them you can't accept it. Just say thank you.

At another time, when you're talking with a friend or family member, casually mention what you can and can't eat without reminding them of their gift to you. I think your boyfriend's mother would understand, since she's in the same boat, but saying something to someone who gives you a gift would be rude.

I would just keep giving it away like you have been. (You're very thoughtful) Hope this helps! :)

The Angry Vegetable2009-01-31T18:41:05Z

Gently explain to her that you are a vegetarian. Explain that you can't eat gelatin and that you appriciate what she gave you. Then buy her some choclate!

Shari B2009-01-31T18:30:53Z

say" thank you so much, but i cannot accept this, im on a very specail diet,of which i dont eat the contents of this, but thankyou for the gesture