How to not be rude about being Vegetarian?
Most of the people around me know that I am health conscious, and love to eat well, but not many of them know that I am vegetarian (with a few vegan tendencies). I'm not that annoying vegetarian who shoves it down other people's throats. If somebody asks, I tell, if they don't want to hear it, I don't tell them. However, holiday times are hard because most people buy me nice foods and candy. Some of which I can't eat!
no food should ever go to waste, so I give away what I can't eat. When it comes to closer family members is when the situation gets weird. For instance my boyfriend's mother just sent me a valentines day candy box, most of which contains gelatin (which i have chosen not to eat). If I don't say anything then she will continue to buy gelatin containing goods for me and the problem continues. But on the other hand, it's not her responsibility to keep track of what I eat, and what I don't. Thankfully she is a really understanding woman with her own weird semi vegetarian diet.
How do I kindly tell my relatives thanks, but no thanks. Is there a way I can not come off wrong? suggestions please!!!