My gf gets mad at me because I eat 2 twinkies?

She says your 48 and should watch what you eat and wont let me eat anything that has partial hydronated or alot of fat content. is she right she said i will have alot of health problems very soon.


Favorite Answer

Do you have two every day? If so you might want to reconsider your eating habits.


Yes she's right. But your relationship is in big trouble if you allow her to tell you what to do...about anything.

Tell her to shut the **** up (literally). Then stop eating twinkees on your own because it's your idea. If she asks about it, pretend you don't remember her suggesting it and that you decided to do it on your own. She won't like it. But she will stay with you and be a good partner because of it. The other way and you risk coming home to find her screwing the neighbor.

J Smith2009-01-31T19:32:47Z

She right.
You would be better off eating healthy.
But eating a bit of fattening foods (carbs and sugars and fats) every once in a while, will do you NO harm.
Actually, its part of what your body needs to survive.
Dont be too worried about it.
But be a bit careful.
She just loves you (:
Thats all :b



You know what you should eat instead??...well let me tell ya..... Twinkie 100 calorie packs... try those instead of the other ones......then both you and your girlfriend will be happy =)


she is right
and cares enough to tell you so you dont die
1 is already bad enough!