What do you think of this kind of music?

Interesting or inspirational?

additionally what do you think of where music is nowadays? I think it has become a bit boring and trite -we need new areas...

incidently both have imbedded messages - one is for global prosperity the other is for lottery winning


Favorite Answer

sorry, dial up wont let these things download fast enough...
but I like the idea of imbedding messages..

also some music now is good - some is boring and most of it isnt even new - some sounds like a lot of remake but people think its new...
overall I would say music is a bit stagnant now - with very few really cool new things


Oh, God!
It sounds AWFUL!
No offense, but it sounds like your just playing random keys on an electric piano.

Golgi Apparatus2009-02-01T08:22:50Z

Sorry, I didn't like it. It sounds like early computer game music.


Kind really freaks me out.