I have left over egg yolks, can I use them in a cake?

I have made a fritatta that used more egg whites than yolks, leaving me with 4 left over yolks. I'm not a huge fan of the yolks but I also don't want to waste them. Can I use them instead of eggs in a box cake mix or cookies or something? I don't really want to make mayonnaise or a hollandaise sauce, which seem to be popular answers. Help!


Favorite Answer

You can use them in a baked recipes, but it will be richer, and not quite as healthy for you. Remember that 1 large egg equals roughly 1/4 cup, so use egg yolks accordingly. Also, it is better to combine with a whole egg. Here is my favorite recipe for Cream Puffs, which uses 2 egg yolks as well as 4 whole eggs.



Make a rich custard or pudding and give it away.


They are high in fats so fed your dog them or give to a neighbors dog. That is what I do maybe once every other week when I make a white omelet.