I live right off of I-70 which runs East and West. Lately there have been a lot of geese around the area (Missouri) and they are always flying north. I thought they flew south for the winter? Is Missouri considered 'south' to geese?
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In a way, MO is, indeed, considered "South" for geese. Canada Geese, in particular, are year 'round residents of states as far north as Minnesota. They only have to fly as far South as they need in order to find open water (not frozen over). While many fly all the way to the Gulf of Mexico and even South America, many stay the entire year in one spot. These birds are usually referred to as "resident geese". Here in Oklahoma, we have an early "Resident Canada Goose" hunting season at the beginning of September, when it's usually 90 degrees or more, specifically to try to reduce the numbers of these birds. They are a real nuisance in city parks, golf courses, and other places. It is common to see resident geese flying in all different directions, as they move from their water roosting spots to fields to feed, and back again.