Are some people "more equal".?

Is it Okay with you that fat cat politicians comment tax fraud, and get away with it by saying it was an "honest mistake". When the average Citizen would have been at least fined if not thrown in prison.


Favorite Answer

Of course it is not. Some are more priveleged than others.


They are above the law, they do not think it they are. They change the law to suit themselves and no one calls them on it. Look at the situation with Hillary. I don't care who the secretary of state is but the constitution clearly says that if you voted for a pay increase for a cabinet position you cannot hold that position. She was a senator that voted for that pay increase and is now holding that position; Though Nancy thought she would be sharp and lower the pay scale to the pre vote level. The constitution does not say that. They are making up things as they go and it is undermining the country.

kris r2009-02-03T21:09:35Z

In the Declaration of Independence, it says that all of us are created equal. In theory, we are equal in our right to pursue life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (not, we are not promised happiness itself).
However, the golden rule (he who has the gold makes the rules) has become the de facto law of the land.

pəɹ noʎ uɐɥʇ ɹəʇɹɐɯs2009-02-03T19:12:21Z

Are all of these people below equal?!

mother teresa
convicted child molester
serial killer
any current or past president of the US
serial rapist
the pope
bill gates
adolph hitler
a man with no arms or legs

Most people believe they are better (or more equal) than at least one other person.


Explain how they got away with it. To me, it looks like they were charged taxes owed and penalties while being publicly humiliated. Cheating on your taxes once is usually not grounds for going to prison, unless it is flagrantly deliberate.

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