After everything bad religion has caused...?

Wait, do you blame religion for the wrongdoings of people?

If a Christian man kills his family did he do it or did Christianity?

If an atheist man kills his family did he do it or did atheism?

Stop granting people amnesty for the atrocities, crimes and other harmful acts they commit just so you can attack and blame their religion.

Christianity, Muslims and other religions haven't killed anyone, people have, it's moronic to blame the group.


Ballaurena: The Muslim religion is a religion of peace and is often hated or discriminated against because of Islamic terrorists. People convince themselves and others to attack and kill others, not the religion.


Purple Moogle, are you ignorant to your own key words? Religious people, as you put it, commit atrocities and convince others to do so as well, yet most religions; example, Christianity and Islamic religions, are religions of peace. In fact it says clearly in the bible that murder is a sin, it is a commandment: thou shall not kill.

You would grant those committing these acts amnesty so you can blame their religion?


Favorite Answer

Well put! Although I don't exactly know what the question was...

Disciple of Truth2009-02-04T00:44:26Z

Except when the evil they did was because their religion told them to.

Such is the case with Islam, but some people like to reject this reality in the name of tolerance. But what value does this type of tolerance have? The idea of tolerance implies that there is a right way and a wrong way to do things (or intolerance wouldn't be avoided). Yet this extreme brand of tolerance is so extreme that the truth is neglected, leading to tolerance of evils, even tolerance for intolerant ideas like Islam.

Don't delude yourself, Islam is intolerant of women Jews, Christians, homosexuals, and all non-Muslims. If a Muslim converts from Islam the price is death. These intolerances are a result of Islam itself, not just a few bad people that happened to be Muslim.


Complete bollocks on your part I'm afraid.

The simple fact of the matter is that some religious people commit atrocities because they believe that it is their duty under their religion. Some convince others that it is their religious duty.

Do you really think that people martyr themselves and just use their religion as an excuse or that they really believe that their deity will reward them for killing "enemies of [insert religion here]"?

ROBERT P2009-02-04T01:04:08Z

Religion comes in handy if you want to start a war.