Is Obama Schizophrenic?

watch 4:08 to 4:16 of this
He says "There is no God who condones taking the life of an innocent human being. This much we know."

Am I missing something? This is the man who supports killing live born fetuses! He is even making us fund abortions overseas!


Favorite Answer

he is a puppet, like all before him have been for the last 60 years (or more)

we can expect MOSTLY double talk from this empty shell rather than meaningful motivating words

Let's HOPE for a CHANGE in 2010/2012!


I love your question :) Apparently he does not believe that fetuses are human beings, maybe thinks that only after birth they become human - but many times very premature babies are kept in incubators, and they are the age of some late term abortions. I believe that he will say whatever fits the audience, so maybe he is not schizophrenic, but like a chameleon molds himself to the audience needs. I surely hope 2012 will bring a real change - like a real change in the White House, and the changes in between won't be too tragic and can be undone :)

Julie H2009-02-08T21:39:39Z

We are finding that Obama said what he needed to say to get elected. Now he is doing what he wants. It's amazing that he believes in partial birth abortion when the baby is killed just as the head is being born. How very sad! I wonder what else we will have to pay for overseas!


Oh I believe this will all my being. I've known that since he first opened his mouth. And wished somebody would have shut him up then. He's also very stupid.. And the list goes on and on..

Mogollon Dude2009-02-08T21:28:12Z

The man says what ever he needs to at the time , LIES , the norm . Have to wonder what reality he lives in . Or how long he will last under the pressure .

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