how much do you believe that freedom of speech also relies upon other freedoms for its effectiveness?

we are truly free to speak our minds only if we are also free to enjoy other things: agree or disagree?

what other things? safety from those who would disagree with our views? the right to seek out those who would support and expand an idea? the right to a trial by our peers? maybe the bill of rights is best taken as a whole, instead of dissecting its individual parts.

does freedom of speech also require other freedoms in order to be effective, or can it stand alone on its own merit?

Marianne not Gingerâ„¢2009-02-09T14:07:46Z

Favorite Answer

I totally agree. But you seriously almost have to dissect the bill of rights in order to make this point.

For example....... we have the right to freedom of speech. But we also have to make sure that when we are speaking out freely, we are 'congregating' in a peaceful manner as well. If our words evoke the passions of those that disagree with us, are we wrong for having spoken our minds? Did we cause riotous behavior? Are we condemned for the actions of others?

Let me use another example...... on a smaller scale. As a teacher, I almost feel like I know some of my students even better than some of their parents do. I understand the psychology behind why the do what they do. If I'm to help them, which I feel compelled to do at all times, I feel I must speak out and of course ONLY in confidence to their parents. I assure you that I am extremely diplomatic in my phrasing, especially of news that can be difficult to digest. Afterall, I understand the psychology of parents as well. They always know that what I tell them is confidential and only in the best interest of their child. So why do they hear it, and immediately wish to deny it...... to run to the headmaster and have my head placed on the chopping block..... to paint me as a monster rather than the one person who cares enough about their child to speak up and tell them what others just swept under the carpert? Information that will only continue to haunt them and their child for years to come if they don't take action now?

And when my administrator comes to me and says, "You are right and they are wrong but I still need you to apologize and tell them that you were mistaken." I feel squelched.

When I write a lette to the editor and my words are altered...... I am saddened.

When I call up a radio station and certain phrases are bleeped out...... I become disheartened.

Freedom of speech is only allowed if censored??

I have a huge problem with this. Therefore, I do agree that other freedoms must be order, for open speech to be effective. So far, it's not standing on its own merit....... unfortunately. *sigh*


freedom of speech does not stand on its own merits, as it comes along with responsibility and accountability towards the society and the community as a whole, in order for it to be effective.

Aegis of Freedom2009-02-09T21:39:01Z

The Bill of Rights protects our rights FROM government, not other people. The 1st relies, as all other rights, on the 2nd Amendment. Without an armed citizenry, only the government would have guns, and then we would have no rights at all. The 2nd Amendment is the ONLY one that gives us the ability to protect our other rights.


At this point I will take it as written, I can call Hussein obama a rotten muslim traitor and leave it at that.