My Electric Meter Doesn't Work?!?

I just moved in to an apartment in January and I received my first bill which included the deposit. I didn't realize it at the time, but my usage was reported as ZERO on my first bill!

When I got my bill this month it was for $11, which really clued me in that something was wrong. I got the meter reading from February 9 and it is the same reading that the meter is reading today. ZERO USAGE! Now I had to take a close look at my bill and sure enough it read ZERO.

How is the electricity company going to handle this mistake? This is my second month here and my usage has been ZERO both times, so they can't give bill me for an average usage. I hope they don't try to blame me for fiddling with the meter because I wouldn't have a CLUE as how to do that. The meter is older than the meters for the other apartments, so maybe it's just worn out?


Favorite Answer

I don't know what the first guy was trying to upload but it wasn't about an electric meter.
I know you're not responsible for the meter, they are.
I also know the bills are kicked out by an automated system.
If they find out it's not working,
and it's their equipment that's failing,
they shouldn't charge you anything because how would they figure out WHAT to charge you?
They'd have no idea.
Now if somebody has tampered with their equipment,
such as a disgruntled employee,
they might try to blame you.
In which case there might be charges or fees against you.
I would let it go another month then call them.
But play "dumb."
Just mention your bill was low and that you were concerned.
At least you got a few months of free service!


its their meter its their problem. if you did nothing wrong then let them figure it out. just in case, put a little money on the side.


there is a whole document about it: download it and you'll know: