What makes a martial artist a good martial artist?

Bruce Lee is widely discussed on this forum and some claim him to one of the best and others ar not fond of him at all.

What is the measure of a GOOD martial artist?

Best answer will go to most logical and clear cut answer whether or not I agree.

Disclaimer: This is not a question about Bruce Lee!


Favorite Answer

Big suprise but I have to disagree with Tim. What Tim describes is a fighter, not a martial artist. you could basicly take a person and train them only in fighting for a year, and you would definetly have a fighter, but maybe not a martial artist, and there si a difference.

For example: take a young American, teach him MMA, however do nothing to work on his self control or his respect for others, and you winde up with a Juni Browning, whom IMO is not even close to a martial artist. A fighter yes, possibly a thug but not a martial artist, because he has no self control, not in the way he treats others, but also in the way he treats himself, and also in his dedication to his training. I don't want people watching him on Tv and saying, oh is that what a martial artist is, no thanks.

For me one of the hallmarks of a martial artist is the goal of being better tommorow, in every aspect of your life and training, then you were today. this means in the techniques you are practacing, doing one mopre push up, pushing yourself for 30 seconds more of cardio, as well as having better self control of your emotions and temper, and more discipline. The main aspect of a martial artist is seeking to continually improve.

I feel that self control and a certian amount of phylosiphy is essential to be considered a martial artist. Anyone can be a fighter, maybe not a good one but still I think you understand my point. Yes you definetly need to be able to defend yourself, however in the long run, how big a part is that actually? How many people that study martial arts are ever realisticly going to have to physicly use it in a situation they can't walk away from? I have found I use the mental aspect in every day life a million times more then I ever use the physical side. Just the fact you train and can take care of yourself will be enough to deter all but the most determined attackers.

There was a study done where they took prisoners and showed them video tape of people walking down the street, and without fail they all picked the same people to target, and suprisingly passed up smaller males and females for larger males, simply based on the wway they carried themselves. Martial Arts training makes that difference in the way you present yourself to the world.

I know Tim is a MMA nuthugger and feels that traditional trainign is useless, however consider the following:

1) Is the man who takes Tai Chi and finds some peace and help to get over the death of his wife of 30 years wasting his time?

2) Is someone who uses the training and mental discipline of martial arts to combat and beat a substance abuse problem getting nothing from it?

3) Is the outcast kid with the Blue hair who has no friends, is failing in school, and has anger issues wasting his time training traditional, with all of the phylsoiphy, when the results are a well adjusted young man who just finished college and has a steady grilfriend, as well as numerous friends?

Big note: i am not saying that MMA training will not do the same thing. Heck even organized high school sports can, so this is not a traditional vs. MMA answer. I have talked to some MMA people on here, including you, that I would be proud to train with and call martial artists, but there are others I would simply call fighters or thugs. I have also seen some "traditional" people on here that are the furthest thing from a martial artist.

My point is that to me a martial artist should be someone who knows far more then how to fight. If that were the case we could take a street brawler who has never had any formal training in his life a martial artist, simply because he knew how to fight.

Warriors throughout history have prided themselves on there sense of honor and self control, as well as their fighting abilities. They felt that a code of conduct, such as Bushido or Chvalry was an important part of the training, so that you didn't winde up with a bunch of mindless killers. Even modern armies teach their soldiers rules of engagment.

Without the self control and discipline, a person is not a martial artist, no matter how physicly gifted they are. They are simply a fighter, like Juni Browning. If anyone can live with him being a "martial artist" to the public at large, more power to you, it just leaves me with a sour taste in my mouth.

He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still- Lao Tzu


Hi there

A good martial artist is quite simply a person who can do it, explain it and evaluate what they are doing to change it!

Combine the above with experience and a good level of education makes them a good martial artist!

Add a little bit of philosophy and worldly wisdom and you have a grandmaster on your hands!

Overal a general all round good egg!

Renyo makes an excellent point! A thug can fight and he can also be well trained but a martial artist he certainly isnt! Budo contains many things and some of them arent about fighting!

Dont you have to be a gentleman and have a good heart to be considered to be a true martial artist? Otherwise youre just classed as a killer or a skilled thug!

Best wishes



Wow, your question is so broad.

That's a bit like asking what makes a good car. Different strokes for different folks. The way I view it is like this:
There are three aspects: 1. Spiritual, 2. Psychological, 3. Physical

At one end of the scale you have those who take martial arts training as a lifestyle and concentrate on the spiritual. So they may balance their martial arts 80/10/10.

Then you have others who enjoy the 'idea' of the martial arts. So they train just a little, identify with the dojo they are at, wear the shirt and are the loudest supporters at the tournaments. They don't care too much for self-development, but love the emotion, the camaraderie and can talk about everything from Bodhidharma to Bruce. They love the 'idea' that they are martial artists. So it is 10/80/10.

Then you have the young guns, the competitors, the ones that live to train and train to live and anything spiritual is hocus pocus. They just want to know the best armbar, the best head kick, the best footwork. For them, the martial arts is a sport and they are the kings of the ring, the warriors in their realm. They balance their martial arts 5/5/90.

Some fighters understand the importance of the mind in fighting, so maybe they go 20/30/50. The exact balance is not important, but you get my drift.

For me, I am nearly 40 years in training and 50 years old. As a youngster I wanted to be Bruce Lee and trained as much as my energy would allow. I matured and fought for 10 years, won a couple fo national titles and represented my country at the world championships. I then wrote a book about my teacher, my views on the spiritual aspects and origins of the arts and began teaching. Now I train to be fit, use the spiritual aspects to steady my life and enjoy the arts for what they offer. So I have been through the whole lot. As a young competitor it was 5/5/90, then I retired and it was 20/20/60. To improve my teaching skills I studied hard and it was 10/50/40. Now, my priorities are health, peace and happiness I find in sharing with the students. So it is more like 30/30/30.

So anyway, what makes a GOOD martial artist depends on the priorities. And each of those groups can be broken down again, so there are priorities in the spiritual, in the psychological and in the physical.

If you mean as a fighter, a broad-based foundation is important. No one wins MMA/UFC without having trained in a whole bunch of things, BUT they always have depth in their own base. Randy has his Greco-Roman and stand up cross training, GSP has his BJJ and Kyokushin Karate, Machida has his BJJ and Shotokan.


A real martial artist does not have to be a good fighter, but a guy whose skills really can be called outstanding and an art. So you see they are amazing artists, regarding physical (and psychical) abilities, athleticism and technical skills also. But traditional martial arts really are often not too much about fighting at all. Excuse my english, I´m german


A Martial Arts practitioner is not necessarily a Martial Artist.

a Martial Artist is a term I only use in reference to true masters. The term Artist is defined as "creator"...

When a martial arts practitioner becomes masterful and finds he is beyond form, that is a martial artist. One who can create anything in any stressful situation to protect himself or others.

All martial artists are by definition good or rather great martial arts practitioners.

Nice Q clowns...

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