How do you get rid of the Rust on an iron muffin/cupcake pan?

My pans are shaped like bears and dinosaurs. I read somewhere to put it into your oven on self clean, has anyone tried that?

Beverly K2009-02-13T16:54:19Z

Favorite Answer

You might want to try "CLR" and then rinse them well. CLR is for Calcium, Lime and Rust cleaner. It is sold in the Supermarket and Home Depot, Lowes etc. The product works extremely well


ok this what u do get some salt right. and go grab the iron. plug the iron in so it can get hot but not to hot . then unplug it
then take a scrub brush poor some salt on the iron or the brush and scrub it off it won't get all of it off but some of it (good luck)


Never tried that, but I have used steel wool pads to remove rust from my baking pans when that has happened to me. It does get it off.


ask someone to do it for you