Beer always makes me vomit the next morning, what is going on?

It doesn't matter if I have alot or just a little, for about the last month I have puked the morning after drinking beer, every time. I used to drink beer no problem. I still can drink hard alcohol with no problems. Last night I drank 1/2 a bottle of beer and woke up the next morning throwing up. What is going on?


Favorite Answer

Your body is rejecting the alcohol. I never could drink malt liquor. I puked it up before I got 6 ounces down. There is just something about malt liquor my body rejects.


It could be an allergy, or it could all be in your head. You may have been sick on beer once, and from then on, you associate it with being sick so it could be psychological. Before you drink, eat a meal to soak up the alcohol, don't mix drinks, don't take medication. Hangovers are mainly caused by dehydration, so afterwards, drink 2 or 3 pints of water. In the morning have some orange juice and you should be fine. Are you on any kind of medication? If so, that could be why.


It depends on how old you are, how much beer you drink, and how well you can tolerate alcohol.

Big Z2009-02-15T01:01:11Z

My friends the same way. Who knows you may be my friend.... Anyway I suggest you simply stop thinking about it. Chances are you are NOT allergic to hops, or alcohol, and that it is all in your head.

In short: if you convince yourself to be sick, you will be.


your friends are peeing in your beer