Do you think that Rush Limbaugh is a Christian?

He has no compassion of for ppl who has different views, or lifestyle. I didnt realize that Christians were so mean spirited or judgemental.

Whats your opinion??


I watch him all the time!!
I just hope he can stay off of those pills!!


I never said I was a Christian. I just asked the question do you think that Rush is Christian.


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If humility and compassion are important parts of Christianity, I would have to say no - he is not a Christian.


That depends on what you consider a good Christian. If you're a Christian, you should be thinking not. If however you hate religion and Christianity for the bigotry it can produce, I guess you could say he's doing a real good job. In my opinion, he is a bigoted pompous asshole who has been given far more credence than he deserves. He's an entertainer for masses of radio listeners, not a voice of any kind of reason. When someone hates you as he does Mr' Obama, you can't win regardless of what you do. If Obama offered no aid to Haiti at this time, can you imagine the names he would be calling him, as well as the rest of the world? He'd be calling him the most heartless man that ever lived and be calling upon "this great Christian nation" to come to Haiti's aid. As always, an enemy will always find an excuse to hate you.


What mean spirit? I watch him all of the time too. What Rush has no patients for are people who won't help themselves and those who hold a political ideology alien to the American founding. From what I have seen and heard from others, Rush Limbaugh is more generous than the people who criticism him. Though he is not right all of the time. I am really tired of this garbage about him being "mean spirited." If you are a christian , then I would hate to be in your shoes explaining to God how you have place yourself as judge over Rush Limbaugh's soul.

"Judge not, that you may not be judged. For with what judgement you judge, you will be judge; and with what measure you use, it will be measured back to you." Matthew 7:1 and 2 NKJV

Bob O2009-02-15T14:24:08Z

It is my opinion that since the middle seventies the GOP has manipulated Christians for the sole purpose of gaining them as a block of voters. I cannot judge whether Rush Limbaugh is a Christian. But I can see that he is part of a deliberate effort to gain their votes for Republicans.

Oh. and Jeffery K; Yes I have listened to him a great deal over the years and yes I have heard him profess to being a Christian.

Edit; Hey Exile. How come we didn't hear conservatives using that quote during the Clinton scandal?


Don't know but if he was I won't jump to judge him because I believe he does things or says things for money and high ratings for his show therefore he's harmless.

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