POLL: What posters do you have on your wall?


Favorite Answer

I have three Joker posters (from 'The Dark Knight'), one 'Van Helsing' poster, a My Chemical Romance poster, a 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' poster, a poster of Billie Holiday, a 'Da Vinci Code' poster, and a Van Gogh painting.

aCe ♠2009-02-16T15:02:20Z

No posters.
Just have a frame of the quoted Hebrews 11:1 scripture and a ceramic cross with the word 'hope' in the center


various booze related posters and an autographed poster from the cast of The Count of Monte Cristo.


A Picasso painting, a painting of the Eiffel tower at night, and two religious paintings. Oh and I have an oil painting of me when I was younger... other stuff?
I have my two mums from my high school homecoming, my high school diploma, my college diploma and a copy of my nursing license.
Ooh and there's this funky felt cat I made in kindergarten that I have hanging on the wall...:-P



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