AMA riders....opinions please.....?
Today, I just read about the "The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008" ...which I guess went into affect the 10th of this month.....this piece of legislation was designed to put strict limits on the amount of lead children under 12 was allowed to come into was for toys......but, it seems that all motorcycles designed for kids 12 and under ..such as 50's ,65's,70's,and 85's (both trail and two stroke bikes)..contain over the lead limits...which basically means these bikes and parts, as they are now, cannot be sold in the US as of a few days ago (check any bikes website and see for yourself what bikes are available now for will not find under a 100 four stroke ...or a 105 two stroke )
So my question to you is what will this do to world of motorcycle racing .....if a child can't ride a bike until they are 12 and over ......
I just want to say thank you to everyone for their opinions....
..Wiggysan, has the right of it...this is going to end up hurting the whole industry on a global scale.. ...... and like Proc suggested the companies will probably be forced to make changes ....but the time and cost involved really going to have a negative impact on amateur racing in the US ..If these kids are not allowed to ride until the changes are made.... this could set the sport back for many years to Auburn suggested, maybe they will make these bikes exempt or at least give some kind of grace period for these companies to make the changes needed and allow these kids to continue riding during this time.......
gabatron first thought were similar to yours...I had a mental image of a cobra 50 rider jumping on a ktm105
: ( ....but, this is all about children under a certain age coming into contact with this lead content.... the bigger bikes still have the lead content so the parent would end up getting hauled off for child endangerment ..not over the bike being to big..but the lead content in it...the problem with laws once they are enacted...getting them off the book is awful..we still have laws from the 1800's still on the book.. they just aren't enforced.....
my kids race 250's ...but, I just can't imagine going to the tracks and not seeing the mini's...its true, the time at the track would be shortened...but, there is just something infinitely sad about this prospect ......