They condemn people because they believe in multiple gods yet their ONE god is actually THREE gods. And one is a ghost, one is an invisible man, and the last is a man-god. Yet there is only one true god?
Hey Cannicus, how can Christianity be the true religion if it came about simply from past religions. Almost, everything in the Bible can be attributed to another religion. And the only reason for any of those religions is to keep people like you happy. I have studied multiple religious texts and I have come to one conclusion, there is no god. This question was simply to bring up one of the many problems that religion consists of.
Favorite Answer
There is and never was a God. He is a fictional character from a fictional book.
Sunshine is correct anyone can claim to be Christian , but the term actually means modelling your life after Christ,if you do this you will understand not just the simple things but also the deep things about God, this in turn will cause you to conform your life to be in harmony with the scriptures and therefore your beliefs will be consistant There are a group of such Christians, they are called Jehovah''s witnesses. We trust in what the bible says and make the necessary changes if our actions are out of harmony. For example I havent always been a Jehovah's witness and I used to celebrate such traditions as christmas and easter after researching the origins of these traditions I realized that doing so was out of harmony with being a Christian, so I stopped When i first started studying the bible i smoked cigarettes and heeps of weed, the more i studied the more i realized i could not do both and still please God so i stopped smoking. Regarding differences in beliefs keep in mind there is only one True God, Jehovah is his name and there is only one truth, God's word is the benchmark on which to measure these apparent differences. The trinity in my studies is not supported by the scriptures, many will disagree but regarding truth we need to make up our own mind based on the available evidence. Drinking alcohol is not a sin in the Bible, even Jesus drank a little however Drunkenness is and there a many scriptures to support this statement. I guess what i'm alluding to is opinions are a lot like belly buttons, we all have them, and the're all a little different. But truth, it doesn't change , the problem is some peoples perception of it does. But if we base it on a reliable source such as Gods word then we are building on an infallible solid foundation, one that is not always shifting.
In 325 A.D. the Catholic Church discerned the Holy Spirit's voice when it formed the doctrine of the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Ghost, three person's in one).
Yup, the "Trinity" is a Catholic doctrine that predates the Evangelical community by 1200 years. That word isn't even in the Bible.
The Catholic Church protected Christianity from the Arian heresy that almost gutted Christianity in the 4th century when many began to believe Jesus wasn't "fully God" and "fully human."
The World Book Encyclopedia tells that Mithras was an angel of light who fought on the side against the forces of evil. In the Zoroastrian religion of ancient Persia Mithras was called “the Heavenly Light.” This belief carried to Assyria and Asia Minor where many people identified him with the sun. Mithraism came into the ancient Roman world about 75 BCE., and ranked as a principal competitor of Christianity for 200 years. In addition to a lack of historical support, many characteristics of Jesus, which Christians today believe in, are undeniably similar or identical to religious trends and beliefs that preceded Christianity. There are tens of accounts of pagan gods of many different cultures who were said to have the same attributes as those that Christians claim Jesus had.
Trinity―Trinities were popular in pagan sects before Christianity was introduced to the world. Some of the more well known trinity gods included Mithra-Vohu Mana-Rashnu, Amen-Mut-Khonsu, and Osiris-Isis-Horus.
The human family is the closest analogy that mankind will ever come to concretely understanding the Blessed Trinity.
The creeds teach that while there is one God, He exists in three distinct persons. The bible, on the other hand, reveals that man is made in the 'image of God'. From these two truths, therefore, we can acknowledge that the complete image of God is found in the Triune understanding of Him.
This understanding of His Triune nature is reflected by the human family whose personal relationships approach the likeness of the Trinity. There are multiple demonstrations of this truth.
Consider the unity of the Trinity which is reflected in the unity of the family. Or the "family of persons" which is found in both. The persons of the Trinity share the 'same substance ' while a human family becomes one flesh: wife with husband and parents with children.
There is also another element in the Trinity that lends itself to human likeness. The Nicene Creed professes this about the Trinity: "We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life who proceeds from the Father and the Son."
In Catholic theology, the Holy Spirit is said to proceed from the will of both the Father and the Son, or in other words, through the activity which they engage in, otherwise known as "love".
The Holy Spirit is poured forth through the exchange of love between the Father and the Son. This is why perhaps Jesus says to the Apostles: " Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you." (John 16:7)
In the eternal economy of the Trinity, therefore, a person 'proceeds' from the love between two other persons. And so, the Holy Spirit is love 'proceeding' or 'coming from' the first two persons of the Blessed Trinity.
The human family has a rather striking parallel to this dynamic. The ultimate act of intimacy in a marriage mirrors the eternal exchange of love between the first two persons of the Trinity.
And like the eternal or continual procession of the Holy Spirit in the Trinity, the act of love between a man and a woman causes a 'procession' of another human person (i.e. the birth of a child).
Thus, it is precisely because the homosexual sex act is not ordered to the procession of another person, that it can never be a Trinitarian reflection of the divine essence.
Indeed, the sexual act itself, which is supposed to be a reflection of the Trinitarian relationship, becomes, through the homosexual act, a blasphemy against God since it ends up distorting the Trinitarian image of Him.
The human sexual act either affirms God's image or it distorts it. This is why all forms of contraceptive sex, including the homosexual act, are serious sins: they seek to create God in another image. It is anti-Trinitarian.
Bottom line: If you refuse to believe that a daddy and a mommy come together to make a baby and that is a kind of three-in-one, you have no hope of understanding the Trinity.
Here upon earth; where all men are judged by what they do and think...
There is 3 aspects involved: 1) The body you are incarnate in, and use to do actions 2) The mind which gives you power of thought 3) The Spirit which inspires action to serve righteousness.
You can either use a righteous Spirit or a demon as your inspiration, and you will know them by the quality of the thoughts that they inspire in your consious mind.
In this world which is like the apple: Flesh mostly, with the smallest of seeds within...Purity is surrounded by degredation.
In the world above: It is the seed has become a tree, which is clothed by that which does not degrade.
You must control your thoughts if your seed is to grow to become a tree: Look after your body, so that it can serve what is right. A tired mind or a glutenous body is controled by the world; leaving the Spirit a back seat passenger.