As far as I know, the two most popular explanations for the "beginning" of the Universe are The Big Bang and God. But these both assume that the universe ever began. I agree that there was a big bang but I don't think that it was the beginning. But rather just another step in a infinite cycle. I think all matter is in a single point for an instant and then as soon as all matter focuses on that one point, all energy(along with matter)is forced to expand with such an incredible force that it pushes the matter an unbelievable distance. Then over time the effects of gravity slowly cause the matter to become focused into points like black holes. And then eventually goes back to the one point and starts over again. It is obviously more complex then that but I think it is just a cycle. Right now, I think we are in a very early(comparatively) stage of the cycle and that is eventually what will happen. What do you think?
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Cosmologists have certainly postulated this.
It's called The Big Bounce (an oscillating universe with an *infinite???* number of Big Bangs and Big Crunches).
Evidence for this is suspect, for, as far as we can currently measure, the value of dark energy looks like the expansion is infinite... or nearly infinite, and our universe will conlude with a Big Rip instead. But I haven't seen enough evidence one way or another to really discount any of the "fate of the universe" possibilities.
Big Bang theory is a theory that makes an assumption of how the Cosmos came into existence. It assumes a Singularity which was containing the whole mass of the Universe inside its volume. Thus from this singularity only the size of a Golf ball ,expended in the cosmos to a size which was calculated to be the vast dimension of the Universe. The difficulty about this Theory is how that little golf ball had all the atoms of the Universe inside its volume and was holding together in such a small Size. There must have been a container to hold it in place. And how did it start to move . and what mechanism caused the motion ,of all the atoms that it contained , in a radial direction..And forming stars and Galaxies all out of this little Golf Ball.
Why so many Galaxies. How Do so many Galaxies affect the Earth.
What does one think? Actually the mechanism of Creation of the Universe may have been so simple that we do not really find an exact Explication.
That was the thought at one time, and is considered to be Einstein's greatest blunder of all time by adding in a mathematical correction to allow this in his theory (known as his Cosmological Constant). The universe is accelerating outward by dark energy which is greater than the attractive force of gravity. This has been proven by finding red shifts in the frequency of other galaxies. No one doubts that the universe still theoretically existed as a single point, but that point could not contain all the matter in the universe. Black holes are not even believed to be localized to a single point anymore. Physicists are currently looking at the developing wavefunction of the universe to better understand the big bang.
relies upon on what's critical to creating it a parallel. in accordance to wikipedia, the Hindu Lord Krishna, depicted as early as 3000 BC, became conceived with no human father, became like a cow-herd for a lengthy time period, and became a quite particular guy, an avatar of Vishnu, battled undesirable men, kept human beings in hardship from undesirable men, did some "miracle" stuff. His mom had different children earlier him though, so wasn't a virgin, and correctly, Hinduism is fairly diverse than Christianity. do not recognize how precise it truly is because it truly is wikipedia, yet i ought to assert there is adequate parallel, cultural adjustments accounted for, to count number. and that i recognize that Lord Krishna is a significant deal in Hinduism. commonly i ought to assert parallels are extra a count of early cultures influencing later cultures, not one ripping off yet another, because the extra contemporary lifestyle receives integrated into the hot parallel and could change right into a imperative component to it.
God is a product of man to be used as a weapon of right and wrong and therefore does not exist outside of the minds of believers.The universe has been and always will be There.It will never end.Why cant people see that we are nothing more than bugs on a dug heap who have gained what we call intelligence simply by copying and adding to each others ideas from the dawn of man.There is no hereafter.There is life and there is death.