Blacks? Do you even realize what the word "Cracker" means?

A bit of a history lesson. Often used as a racist insult towards Caucasians, the word "cracker" is misunderstood. It goes back to slavery. This term was used by slaves as a slang term for their masters. After all, the sound of a whip lashing across their backs makes a "Crack" sound.


How am i being racist? Did i say i hated them?


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Interesting! I think I've actually heard this before - after all, many people misunderstand it as the food...what kind of sense would that make?
I also find it funny how blacks find us extremely racist, and yet they slur every other race, mostly whites, on the planet. The slavery has taken a turn where white people are no longer in control of the blacks; we're finally scared of getting jumped by them, and all of a sudden, everyone wants to be in possession of a pistol and wear a red/blue bandana over their head.

Edit @ those who think this is racist - where in this question is there any hint of racism? Blacks is just the easier term to use. God only knows, we could be talking to a Somalian immigrant who therefore ISN'T African American. So there's a disadvantage to not using the colour. I think it's starting to become acceptable in society to refer to black people as...well, black people. I don't think many black people even refer to THEMSELVES as African American as it's become too formal of a racial classification. They have to call each other the N word in order to feel like they're classified as African American. Black is just the easiest term to use, the asker did not point fingers at anyone. Quit getting butt hurt about it.


All of these answers are WRONG. Cracker was a named used to describe immigrants from Scotland and Ireland used in the 17th Century. It later became a term used to describe poor whites in the south in the 18th century. At one point in time these people proudly used this name to describe each other, but then later a derogatory term for whites equal to poor white trash. It had nothing to do with slave owners cracking a whip.


This is 2015 and people still have NOTHING else to do but move backwards. Though the question could be answered, what is this ignorant subject going to do to benefit your life today? You mean to tell us that you have NOOOOOOTTHIIINNNGG else to do but ask "Blacks" what that means? You obviously aren't happy in your life. Do something meaningful and you just might feel better about yourself to the point that you don't have to worry about a silly slang term.


Yeah, I really don't see why people are calling you racist. I think you are addressing people using the word "blacks" because they would be the ones saying it, and not the white people. Anyways, I have to agree with whoever said something like they think that white people are racist to them horribly (which they were, but in the past, and I am against slavery 100%) and they aren't racist to whites? Its kind of crazy, but good fact. I actually didn't know that.

EDIT: Jessica, saying "blacks'' isn't racist. It is just describing a group of people, or a person. I call myself, and people white all the time. Is that racist? No.

The Nerd2009-02-19T14:17:51Z

That's actually a "folk etymology" (a kind of urban legend that attempts to explain the origin of a word). The real origins of the word are more obscure, but it was in use long before American slavery.

By the way, even assuming that the folk explanation of the origins of "cracker" are true, how is it not an insult to call somebody a cruel slave driver?

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