Question for Vegetarian,Vegans people for Peta and people against Peta?
Ok so I am a vegan if you are a meat eater do you dislike vegans or vegetarians because they prefer not to eat meat? Or any other reasons?
What are your thoughts on Peta are you for or against? I am for and I have talked to people that say Peta are trying to take over are minds. How I don't know can anyone explain? I just think there raising awareness and not forcing people to do anything they don't want to they are willing to compromise( like eating 1 ONE vegetarian meal a week) unlike some meat eaters?
Also fur why do people wear it I know everyone knows that animals are torched for there fur. There is so much faux fur out there that look almost the same as real fur and you can't tell them apart. I don't know why these celebs wear this expensive fur when most designers stop using real fur. I mean a 20,000 jacket doesn't make you an any better person.
Please give me your thoughts. Thank You
Favorite Answer
I hate when people tell me what to eat or not eat, or who judge others for what they wear. I'm a vegetarian but almost none of my friends know because I don't think it's something worth announcing and I could care less what they choose to eat. I don't like PETA because I think they should put all that energy towards babies who get abused and neglected and mistreated instead of giving people a hard time for enjoying or benefiting from animal products.
Hi! I'm a vegetarian, i don't eat any kinds of meat or fish, but I still drink milk, eat eggs etc. I am against peta because they sensationalize everything. they take the worst possible cases you can find, and shove it down everyone's throats saying this is always how it's done always(talking about meat processing vids etc). I think the idea behind peta is good, but the way they go about it most times just makes them look ridiculous, and doesn't connect with non vegetarians. I actually think they have the opposite affect. Again I think the idea of protecting animals is great, but vegetarianism is like a religion, not everyone is going to follow it, so it's rude to try to convert other people. What people eat is up to them, so I have no right to tell people what and what not to eat. About the fur thing, I agree with you. In this day and age there are such good fake furs, that there's just no need anymore. We've moved out of the fur era. However again, I can't say that I don't have leather shoes, and other leather goods, so I won't preach to people about wearing fur etc.
I have to agree with Happy. Being a vegetarian is no means for anyone to dislike someone. It's a preachy vegetarian that bothers a carnivore.
Choosing not to eat meat is a personal choice that can be an interesting topic of conversation but can also lead to the vegetarian forcing their views on someone and the meat eater to do the same.
Another thing about being a vegan or vegetarian is that the lifestyle that the vegan/vegetarian is a part of is usually more non-meat inclined. My family raised me to put the environment before my personal desires, so becoming a vegetarian was practically expected of me, but with my friend who was raised in a family that eats steak every night and goes hunting every saturday it's a completely different issue. It's about sacrifice and how much of one you are making.
Assuming you are right about these things is quite a thing to do. It's good that you're aware and you've taken personal action, but others need to come to terms with these issues on their own. Otherwise they will only regard you as a preachy vegetarian who thinks they have everything figured out. That's not to say I do. I agree with you 100% and I am so relived there are people in this world who CARE.
I'm a vegan and I do not support PETA. The reason being the antics they pull do more harm than good and sometimes are down right silly (sea kittens anyone?) or offensive (such as dressing up as Ku Kluxers outside of a dog show) and they use their member dues to buy stock in companies which abuse and kill animals.
As for fur, well unfortunately sometimes the reason you can't tell faux fur and real fur apart is because it is the same thing. China is notorious for using dogs, cats, raccoons, etc... and labeling the products "faux" when in fact it isn't.
I am a meat eater, and I am fine with vegans & vegetarians - some of my best friends are vegetarian! Actually, I try to go out of my way to make sure there is always a vegetarian option at parties and holidays.
Even though I eat meat, I try to purchase meat that was raised humanely. I don't eat things like fois gras or veal, just because of the cruelty involved. But Peta has always seemed a bit extreme to me.
As for fur, I don't own any real fur, but I am not against fur & leather as long as the animal has been used for it's meat too. Furs like Mink seems a little cruel to me, but I would never throw paint on someone for wearing one.