atheist, why do you became an atheist?

prove without neglecting the principle that says; nothing exist from nothingness.


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there is a problem which is within your question itself. Using God as a solution to the problem nothing exists out of nothingness does not solve your questions dilemma either because thiests generally believe God has always existed. By that assertion alone you logically break the nothing exists from nothingness principle because God had to come after something as well. The Bible and other texts fail to explain that principle. What came before God? What makes God good or bad? How did God who came out of nothing in the Bible create everything including light?

God is not a solution to your question. He is merely a stopgap people use to keep from having to answer your question about how can nothing come from nothingness.

I am an atheist because using God as an answer is not something humanity needs to do any more. We now understand enough of our world through physics, biology, and other subjects to understand and answer why things are the way they are. Certainly abiogenesis and the big bangs answers have eluded us thus far, but we will answer them eventually. It is my faith in reason and knowledge's progression that causes me to reject the emotional and illogical answers to life's mysteries through faith.


No one "becomes" an atheist. We are all born atheist. No child is born with religion. Our parents, and others around us, begin their influence on us almost from birth and, for the most part, we follow and join in. Only a very few people re- evaluate this stuff as adults, and from those, some people lose thier christianity.


I never became atheist, I was born atheist. If anything, I like confusious more. But I'm more likely atheist. Why am I an atheist? Because all of the stories I've heard are bullshits. They're not reasonable, no evidence, nothing. I believe in logic and science.


I can never really remember believing in a god, always struck me as a silly idea. And if you bothered to do a bit of research you will find there is no such thing as 'nothing' , in this universe at least. This has been known for at least 40 years, even the deepest part of space is full of gravitational and higgs fields.


if nothing exists from nothingness, than you must ask yourself where your god came from? I became an atheist because religion does not make any sense and I was fortunate enough not to be brainwashed at a young age.

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