Do you, yes, you, hate people?

(generally, as a whole.)


Not wish them harm. Or if hate is too strong of a word, do you tend to dislike people as a whole?


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Yes, I have lost most faith in humanity. We hurt each other so much, I just don't see the point of people. I still like myself though, I'm pretty cool. But sadly, there just aren't enough people like me. I like animals way more than people.

This world is full of wife beaters, rapists, people who torture kittens, animal abusers, people who wear Crocs, mouth breathers, infedelity, racists, baby killers, murderers, Paris Hilton, natural disasters, the Jonas Brothers, fair weather friends, reality TV shows, starvation, thieves, Republicans, war, horrible abusive parents who should never have been allowed to have children, drug dealers, people born retarded or with physical deformities, drug addicts.

And I am not the only one who feels this way. Everywhere I look I see 6 billion people looking for the fastest ride out.


Generally, all people are as ignoarant as they are amazing. All should be hated and loved at the same time, if that made any sense. It's such a paradox, the best of friends make just as good of enemies, and the worse of people can do the best of things. So, yes, in a sense, I do hate people, but I also love them unconditionally.


Honestly I tend to dislike people as a whole. They are usually either annoying or rude. But I do know I like Men better. They tend to be less obnoxious.


No, I don't but I don't like most people. Some people are so stupid and I have trouble getting past that. I don't wish anyone harm and I feel sorry for people but I don't hate anyone.


No, I love people. I dislike a few, but in general I'm a people person.

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