Dont you think it time for All American to come together?

Its easy for Republicans to blame the Democrats, it easy for Democrats to blame Republicans for our fail ecomony. When are we going to stop playing politics and get to work??? We need real solutions and not whining.


If you dont like what is happening in DC... what is your solution to help the ecomony. I mean it not enough to ***** about it, we need real solutions... So lets hear your solutions!!


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Wait, aren't you describing what's been happening [in a definitive, noteworthy sense] since, well, 1994?


In a perfect world where peace was the end of all conflicts, maybe this idea would work. But knowing that no matter where you go someone is always going to disagree with you even when you yourself seem to have perfect harmony. There's always going to be different parties with different beliefs. No matter how the views are swayed from one person to another. People working together to solve solutions and stop whining is a great concept but never one that will ever seem to work for the good of everyone. We live in times where people can't be trusted and in order to come together there has to be a reason for unity. Right now the economic concerns are catastrophic enough to pull this country together. Maybe if we saw a great loss of people, even greater then 9/11, then maybe people would wake up and help their neighbors. But that's just hoping for a perfect world. In this case, it probably will never happen and won't come instinctively because humans are self centered creatures.

With all this said, I'm basically saying that one party should go one way and the other should go the opposite way.

True freedom lies within men agreeing with each other, and coming to a common decision instead of having a mass of votes against them.

The Patrioteer2009-02-22T17:30:22Z

We could come together if a certain party would stop playing the race card and the class warfare card.

Everyone should aspire to be successful and not get a handout from your neighbors taxes.

Every American is just that, an American, who cares about skin colour? I could give a fig if you work to be successful and not constantly with your hand out.


I'm at a 'Split the Country' point too.

The folks that want government to take care of them and be all and give all go one way....and everyone else go the other.


I'm fighting what is happening in DC, because I love this country.

If you want to 'come together' and help that effort, I welcome you. I'm not 'coming together' to sell the country out, though. It has nothing to do with parties and everything to do with policies and actions.

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