Is Heath a good baby name for a boy?

I really love that name. but idk if its that good of a name?


Im not having a baby i am just trying 2 help a friend decide. lol


Favorite Answer

reminds me of the candy.

I like it better as a middle name.


if I had another boy, that would be one of the names I considered, so yes I love the name Heath. Its a strong name too...:o)

Edward C2009-02-22T15:06:04Z

Heath that sounds familiar... Oh your Name LOL! Ok and Heath isnt that a word in the dictionary? Heath sounds very courageous and also very strong for some reason. maybe its close to Health?


my cousins name-and hes great. the person makes the name not the other way around. if little heath is as charming as most babies i dont think you have to worry. anyway who cares! pick a name you love and dont worry about what everyone else thinks.


Heath is one of my all time favorite names. I think Heath Adam has a nice strong ring to it.

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