are noise pollution and light pollution REALLY pollution?

yes, they do impact their immediate environments. yet they are easy to remedy and leave little lasting effects once removed.

do you consider light and noise pollution as real problems? why or why not? what adverse effects can excessive light and noise lead to?

The angels have the phone box.2009-02-23T05:18:11Z

Favorite Answer

Just like contaminant pollution, noise and light pollution adversely affect most living organisms. Lots of different ways, like melatonin production in humans and reproduction cycles in many plant and animal species. Also, they're a big source of 'stress' (the physiological kind, not the whining when things don't go the way you want kind :-). Our bodies just aren't evolved to have that type and level of constant input.

The effects can last for a good long while, especially if there are other sources of physical stress present, like contaminant pollution. These sorts of things are always cumulative unless the system has time to recover.



Excessive light pollution causes birds to lay eggs earlier than normal. In some areas this could mean the babies will not be able to survive. Also, it wreaks havoc with migratory birds. (1) (3) Light pollution is threatening turtles and their reproductive cycles. (2) Also, it has a very negative impact on our sleep cycles, probably causing insomnia and other problems. (3)

Noise pollution is really really horrible for developing children, and might possibly be a contributing factor to Autism. (4)


yes they are but they don't effect the environment they only effect the things around them an example of noise pollution would be if you live in an apartment with a loud neighbor


light pollution? it's gonna affect the whole planet later.. nobody seems to care much right now


Not TECHNICALLY speaking, but they DO lessen quality of life. So, while it's not exactly something that's going to ruin the world for future generations, it does make living here RIGHT NOW a little less enjoyable.

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