Matt Kenseth wins again! Your thoughts?

Congrats to Matt Kenseth and the Killer Bees on another great victory. I knew he would be tough tonight. And Jeff Gordon is looking pretty good as well. He ran good at Daytona and finished 13th. And now he finishes 2nd in this race and is 2nd in points. He's going to get a win real soon.

What did you think of the race? Or the winner Matt Kenseth?

The Answerer2009-02-22T19:45:43Z

Favorite Answer

Passion is right. The man deserves it.. I feel for Jeff Gordon so much.. OH MAN OH MAN OH MAN.. what a night.. had the car, but not the results..

It will come thought.. soon, oh yes it will...

GO JEFF GORDON.. I'm here with ya dude!!!

However, Kenseth does deserve it as well.. great crew peeps hes got.. great crew.. that won him that race.. For now, I give it up to Matt Kenseth.. he's got a really good run so far.. 2-2.. thats A-mazing!


I love Jeff Gordon he is number 1 but I also love Matt Kenseth. He is my
second favorite driver and has been for awhile.

The race was great. I really liked the fact that my 2 favorite drivers were
up there practically the whole race and that Dale Jr. had a bad day!

Seriously, Matt Kenseth is the most underestimated driver out there.
He is a great driver. He is consistent. He is a past champion, he has made the chase each year it has been around, he won the Daytona 500
and now made a record for himself by winning Daytona and the next race in California. ( the last to do that was Jeff Gordon).

So, Kenseth is in a league with the greats like Jeff Gordon.


I am happy for Matt he is a great driver and is hands down one of the best in the field! Jeff did a good job too I like his new and improved attitude after the race is over! The guy I feel sorry for is Jr. he is clearly the odd man out on that team and he bit off more than he can chew. It really shows that he is not the driver that his daddy was or is he as good as the 24 or 48. Anyway its good to see Matt drive a Ford to victory 2 races in a row!

Jon G2009-02-22T19:45:34Z

I love it Matt Kenseth is my Favorite driver i have a Autograph of him when he raced in the ASA. He's a great driver and I"m sooooo happy that he won 2 in a row after not winning any last season. I think Kenesth is going to have a good season. Him and his new Crew Chief seems to hit it off good and lets not forget the 2nd half of the season Ford will have a new Motor they run and the ford teams are saying they have more Horsepower with the new motors i think Kenseth could be the man winning the championship this season.

Richard W2009-02-22T20:34:29Z

The race was one of the best that Cali has ever had..
It went just as I expected, with Matt in front, but it wasn't
a fuel economy run, it was a race.. If anyone was watching
lap times, Matt had them covered all day..
When he got the lead for the last time, he used a little more
of his car.. Matt had something left all day.. I believe he could
have gone faster at the end, if he had to..
Jr went from last to 13 before losing an engine.. Tony Eury messed
up, and almost got him lapped, by waiting too long on the pit stop
that put him up to 14th.. He should have pitted when Harvick did, not with Jeff, and Jimmie because he was racing Harvick.. He was giving up ten mph to the cars that pitted six, or seven laps sooner.. When pit stops were done, those cars were in front of him..

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