Can outdoor cats relocate?

I have two outdoor only cats. We may be moving and I was wondering if outdoor cats can be moved or will they run away? They have a nice cozy shed with plenty of warm places to hide and sleep, and are very healthy and happy and well taken care of, and are sociable (to us anyway).


Favorite Answer

You should keep them inside your new place for the first 2 weeks. They'll hate it, but they need to get their scent all over their new home so that they can find their way back to it. When you do start letting them out, a walk on a leash to show them around a few times would also help. let them mark the trees around the area to get their bearings.

cat lover2009-02-23T07:35:35Z

They will stay, but not if you let them out right away. Even though you may provide food and shelter, their internal compass will be telling them where home is, and that is the old place.

Normally, it takes from several weeks to a month or so to scramble their internal compass.

Taking their beds and blankets that they use in the shed will help in keeping them at the new place, as well as feeding. But there is still a risk.


I agree that the perfect answer is to return her to an indoor existence. I even have completed this with many cats that basically knew the exterior as abode. in the initiating she could cry on the door or on the abode windows, yet giving her a great number of staying power and indoor activities will at last treatment her of the could desire to be an out of doors kitty. A window seat is one stable element that she could savour, fairly in case you have a view of a woodland or a minimum of a tree or a shrub. yet another concept is a scratching section, a positioned up or a kitty condominium style of product the place she will play and carry close out. Catnip is amazingly astounding for many cats. staying power is the main effective element if she would not adapt on the initiating, at last she would be able to. and he or she would be able to be lots fit for it!


Since you will be moving them away from their usual spot, they might be a little irritated at first and want to rebel by exploring their new area. Make them get used to the new home area for a little bit and show them what the outside of the house looks like for a while before letting them go exploring on their own. That way they know where to go and they don't go missing. We wouldn't want them to get lost and not know which new house is theirs.

Reece Braveheart Aussies2009-02-23T07:38:42Z

You will need to keep them penned up for a couple of weeks until they understand that's their new home.When I was a kid we moved and had about 10 cats and one of them disappeared. The people that were in the house we moved out of called and said that he was there could they keep him? It was a good distance and amazing he found his way back but we let him stay.Give them time to know that's home and every thing should be good for you.Have a good move. :-)

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