Adoptees: do you have adoptee radar?

Funny, yet true...

A friend of mine who is an adoptee claims to have it. He insists that he can "pick out the adoptees from a cast of thousands". I asked him how he knows and (as he thinks he's very witty) said that it's an "adoptee secret" and if he reveals it "they'll take away my adoptee card." The thing is, every time he picks them out when I am around, he has been right. And as he is not even a little bit shy, he goes right up to them and asks. And yep, he is right.

Do you think you can do this? How can you tell?


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Yep, I have it.

I don't know how to explain it other than we are 'attracted' to each other -- not in a romantic way but like magnets.

You know that old saying "Misery loves company"? Well, I know it generally means something else, but...

Yeah, I can 'feel' them and they can 'feel' me. For me, it's the strongest with children. I can feel a young adoptee ten miles away. :-) That might be a *slight* exaggeration.

I, myself, have been 'outed' by another adoptee. Not that I was 'in', but he called me on it when we had only just become acquainted.

Spread Peace and Love2009-02-24T16:44:07Z

No I don’t have an adoptee radar but I am pretty good at picking out other mixed raced people.


There's something to it alright. I married 4 times, all men who were raised by their birth parents, all ended in divorce. I met my 5th husband, he was adopted. We've been married 12 years. I knew he was 'one' when I met him. I can't pick them out perfectly, but I do get certain vibes or feelings about people and they're mostly right, either adopted or have a difficult relationship w/ their parents. I was also raised in the Air Force and live in an area dominated by one religion... strangely enough, I made friends with all the other Air Force/ non-that religion kids in school. It was weird how we all gravitated to each other.
Someone should do a study on the adoptee thing though. :)


I don't know about adoptee radar, but I will admit that a good many of my close personal relationships are with other adoptees. Birds of a feather, I guess?


Nope. At my school I walk feeling alone. I cannot distinguish my kind from the rest. There is no difference at my school, they are all rich and popular. I stand alone.

LinnyG- You could find me easily--- I am always the center of attention, unless I am in a bad mood, then I am quiet and have the waterworks lol!


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