Is Yahoo Answers having problems?
Is Yahoo Answers having issues or is it just me? It won't let me submit answers, just says they're having issues.
Is Yahoo Answers having issues or is it just me? It won't let me submit answers, just says they're having issues.
Favorite Answer
it's doing it to me as well hit the back button and re submit it then it should work if it does it again repeat the steps
I looged on one evening about 4 nights ago, and all was well. The next day around 2, I logged on to find out I had NO Yahoo account whatsoever. Never got an email regarding a violation, or anything. It was gone. My ID and password were invalid. I had to start over with everything. I don't know whats up, but I do know that I'm rather displeased with Yahoo at this time. I hope they get it together soon. i can see that I am not alone with the problems here.
Son of T3
Post a short version of your answer with no links. Then edit to add links and details. That is the most common problem. If that doesn't work, clean your internet cache and rrebootyour computer, then do the above. If you are posting links, they are potential spam and the YA prefilter is catching them.
actual, they could desire to repair blunders 999 and blunders a million - 998. there is human beings being suspended basically reason they're too primary and characteristic been concentrated by utilising the trolls. that's probably what occurred on your final account? I actual can no longer think of you ever asserting something to offend somebody.
yea from time to time the site won't load or let me post an answer
they say its some technical problem